
Reduce cravings and ease withdrawal. 

We have extensive experience partnering with patients who have made the biggest decision of their lives- to stop destructive behaviors and engage a life of sobriety. This simple, but often difficult transformation can be made a little easier by engaging natural therapies designed to give you a buffer and help prevent relapse.

Our program weaves together acupuncture therapy and targeted nutrient supplementation to support you nutritionally and energetically through this important and life-changing process. Patients routinely report feeling a wonderful sense of well-being after just one acupuncture treatment. Nutrition recommendations are personalized based on history, lab tests, and concurrent medications. 

Combined with individual counseling and 12-step support groups, acupuncture and nutritional therapies offer you a clear path forward into your new life, with a team of addiction and recovery experts supporting you along the way. 

We invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation to explore if this program is the right fit for you.